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Let’s start with a conversation 0402 694 934
Bringing coaching and wellbeing wisdom
to shift you, your team and organisation
to where you need to be

I'm here to help if
You want to embrace more of you and live the life you love.
You want to embrace your leadership potential.
You want to prioritise wellbeing in your life.
You want more cohesion and productivity in your team.
You are ready to make the inner shifts necessary to achieve
your outer goals.
What's getting in your way?

I'm Joyce
Founder of Eudaimonia Consulting
Coach, Facilitator and Wellbeing Consultant.
I work with people to step beyond existing patterns, expand their capacity and unlock and enable potential in self and others to create greater collective impact and serve the wellbeing of all.
I work with people individually and within workplaces.
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