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Partnering with you to maximize your impact, focus and outcomes.
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Facilitating for maximising your impact by enabling everyone being heard and gaining greater clarity, focus and outcomes.

Want all voices to be heard?

What is facilitation?


Facilitation is the process of designing and running a meeting or a workshop, or a series of events according to a previously-agreed set of requirements. Facilitation serves the needs of any group meeting with a common purpose, whether it is arriving at a decision, solving a problem, or simply exchanging ideas and information.


What can facilitation do for you?


Facilitating for maximising your impact by enabling all voices to be heard and gain greater clarity, focus and outcomes.


As a facilitator I’m an expert process guide and content neutral third party. I set aside my personal opinions and support a group in making its own choices, creating a psychologically safe and trusting environment and striking a balance between ensuring individual participation and producing meaningful results.


Getting a bunch of people in the same room as each other can be a challenging task, then add the element of what the focus of discussion is about; often difficult things that need to be spoken and where fear, mistrust, discomfort, feeling unsafe to speak up and uncertainty are all very real barriers to getting the best out of the session.


Most organisations have skilled, hard working people, capable of doing much more than they are engaged for. Even so, much of their potential remains untapped. As individuals they may excel at what they do, but organisations need to ask if that is all they have to offer. How often are people invited to engage in a way that allows them to think beyond their job role or position, to collectively contribute to issues and challenges that confront the organisation’s or communities’ larger vision? 


Collectively the wisdom of a group offers solutions and perspectives that can’t be  gained by individuals.


Choosing an external facilitator for your forum, workshop or meeting enables them to be as effective as possible so you can gain clarity, focus, clear outcomes and results.


Eudaimonia Consulting provides the following facilitation services:


  • Design and facilitation of forums, workshops or meetings required for a specific purpose and outcome.

  • Assistance in clarifying the intended outcomes for your session so they are clear, concise, meaningful and achievable.

  • Develop an agenda which aligns with your intended outcomes.

  • Facilitate the session in a structured, results focused and engaging way.

  • Prepare a report documenting the outcomes, action items and next steps.

  • Work with you to ensure follow up, embed learning and implement action post the event.


Examples of areas I provide facilitation for include:


  • Purpose, vision and values

  • Connecting with your community and stakeholders

  • Strategy, planning and review

  • Team sessions

  • Leadership development

  • Industry forums

  • Communication

Image by Susan Wilkinson


Why does facilitation work?


The value of facilitation lies in its ability to create and sustain an environment where everyone participates and every voice is heard. Each participant gets to contribute, irrespective of rank and status. The process helps guide the group to appropriate and useful outcomes in a collaborative and consensus-driven manner. Everyone walks out of the workshop feeling empowered and owning the decisions.


What does effective facilitation do?


  • Taps the collective capacity and wisdom of a group

  • Drives bottoms-up innovation

  • Liberates leadership

  • Builds inclusive participation

  • Engages everyone

  • Empowers participants

  • Releases outdated ways of thinking

  • Unleashes creativity

  • Creates collective ownership

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