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Joyce Lewis-Affleck

About Eudaimonia

eu (good or well) + daimon (spirit) from ancient Greek to mean ‘good guiding spirit’
The concept of eudaimonia, originated with Aristotle, is often translated too simply as happiness or flourishing.
It means something much deeper.
Aristotle said our highest good or the ultimate target of life is to have a good soul, to have a good relationship with our good guiding spirit.
Eudaimonia is not so much an outcome or end state as it is a process of fulfilling our true nature. When we are successfully actualising our potential or expressing the best within ourselves consistently we are a eudaimon and experience eudaimonia, a sense of joy and wellbeing that comes when we are flourishing; moment to moment to moment.
For those of us drawn to creating a more just world, we are faced with many challenges and struggles; ethically and morally. To take up the mantle fully, for us to operate at our highest future selves, we need to bring our best selves, individually and collectively. If you are ready to step beyond existing patterns of being and doing, I'd love to support you, your team, your organisation on this endeavour.
Open Heart Open Will Open Mind Open Hands
I draw from a range of disciplines and experiences over many years predominantly in and with the education and mental health sectors and I am proud yet humble to say that I am a highly skilled coach, facilitator and consultant.
I am most aligned to the educational, personal, community, organisational and systemic theories, models and approaches that put the human(s) at the heart at of their own learning and growth and the transfer of this learning and growth is happens quickly. To do this I need to understand what my clients want.
The common thread in all my roles over the years has been about supporting people to live and lead well. The mechanisms for doing this have been guided by educational, community development and health promotion concepts and principles which in turn have been driven by psychological, psychobiomedical and prevention models to impact human behaviour as individuals, groups or populations.
​I’ve helped people individually and by supporting the collective shifts at population and system levels and I continue my learning journey to be better able to connect at a deeper level, and support peoples’ growth in more profound and authentic ways. Ways not bound by funding timeframes, project deadlines and limitations, ways that allow for 'going slow to go fast', where connections and relationships between people are valued for the importance they truly have. Where I can support peoples' inner shifts and their alignment with their authentic self that will support their outer goals.
​My mission with Eudaimonia Consulting is to unlock the wisdom within individuals, teams, organisations and communities so collectively we can create a future we want. I believe every person needs to feel worthy, have a sense of belonging and connectedness with themselves and others in family, school or work and community so they can fully engage with their world, make the most of opportunities and live a good life well lived.
​When working in health promotion and community development roles working alongside communities the paradigm guiding the vast majority of behaviour change programs was and continues to assume that something is wrong with people and of a need to ‘fix it’.
​There was always some degree of learning and shift, however, sustained improvements in individuals and communities’ wellbeing didn’t fulfil the promise. The reasons are numerous; limitations of the theoretical models, funding inadequacies, silos, team and community ineffectiveness, lack of trust, conflict, miscommunication, compromises, knowledge, skills, and commitment of staff, and willingness and dedication of participants to name a few.
​My motivation to do this work stems from both deeply positive as well as disappointingly negative experiences of wasting potential; in the education, mental health and community sectors for over 20 years. Don’t get me wrong, the opposite is so true, amazing people working together reaching beyond expectations.
​This quote by Bill O’Brien, “the success of an intervention depends on the interior condition of the intervener”, says a lot about the importance of digging deeper into a largely hidden dimension of our everyday experiences: what we pay attention to, how we listen, our blind spots and what drives us to act in certain ways; as individuals, teams and organisations.
Life, whether viewed from a professional or personal vantage, is never linear, it is a tapestry richly woven and interconnected with self and others. My desire is to support the flourishing of the spirit, enable potential, individually and collectively so we can continue to cultivate a good life well lived for ourselves and others now and into the future.
Diploma of Coaching, Mentoring and Interpersonal Facilitation from Global Coaching Academy
TAE40110 Certificate IV Training and Assessment
BSB30315 Certificate III in Micro Business Operations
Post Graduate Diploma in Health Promotion from Curtin University
Diploma of Education from University of Western Australia
Bachelor of Physical Education from University of Western Australia